the meaning of the liturgy

The words of the liturgy in the context of Christian lasimnya dipahmi as tata worship. But what is the sense of the word liturgy only as tata worship? To understand this, we should seek to understand the words of the liturgy in some sense, i.e. a liturgy in a general sense (meaning of the word liturgy in the culture of Greece) and the special meaning (when the word liturgy used by the translators of the Bible PL Hebrew into language and the use of the Septuagint = Greece liturgy by the authors of the New Testament).
Based on these considerations then your understanding of the word liturgy is divided into three parts. First, the meaning of the word liturgy in the world of Ancient Greece. Second, a special meaning which are divided in two meanings, that is the meaning of the word liturgy in the Bible and in the science of theology. Each of these meanings are discussed as follows.

The liturgy is derived from the Greece, Leiturgia. The word comes from the verb Leitourgeo means to serve, perform the duties of Office, hold office. Literally/literal word Leiturgia is derived from two wordsGreece, namely Leitos/Lao People's meaning, the people and the second word, namely ergon meaningwork, deeds, assignments. So understanding the word Leiturgi according to these two words mean people who do a job for the people.

the liturgical Sense specifically 

Based on the above description it becomes clear that the word Leiturgi instead of Christian culture but culture of Greece. Therefore, we can know how Christians thrive in the world of Greece or rather under the influence of the culture of Greece and use terms or words Greece the right to convey the message or the teachings of Jesus Christ or deliver the Gospel in the culture of Greece so that the listener can understand news submitted by Christians.
Struggle as we mean above can be understood in the translators of the old testament the Hebrew language into the language of Greece, that is how to translate the duties of priests in OT the right words into Greece? This section we can know in Yes. 44:12 II Raj. 3:16. translators here wear leiturgia words but these two verses in leiturgia sense refers to the pagan cults. In the Treaty of Barupun its struggle is the same, namely how to find terms or words Greece is right to describe the service being performed by the Apostles and Christians. In PB the task work/service even incidental allusion used the word leiturgi.
But whether the word leiturgi used in the Bible had a sense? If not then how do we understand the word liturgy? What is the liturgy that was just pointing to the grammar of worship or have other uses besides the liturgy in the sense of the layout to the regular worship in the sense we use tata worship/agenda etc, as we might have or have already changed his understanding of the meaning of the liturgy.
To give a sense of the liturgy in Christian context then we should set it apart in the two contexts, i.e. the meaning of the word liturgy used in the Bible and the meaning of the word liturgy in Christian theology.


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