Study of Liturgika is one of the disciplines of practical theology that serves to help students for the benefit of the service of the Church. Certainly the liturgy as the science of practical theology wanted to equip students for church services, especially in the Sunday service and other forms of worship. Therefore it is in the national standard curriculum issued by the Government of Indonesia through the Director General Protestant load Liturgika courses as part of the learning experience of students of theology in the theological schools are there in Indonesia. This liturgy learning experience will help students to understand that liturgy is not something that cannot be changed, the liturgy can change according to the context of the age and culture where the Church is located. For example the liturgy before Pentecost (liturgy worship of Israel) will be different from the liturgy after Pentecost. The liturgy of the Pentecost period the early Church different from the liturgy of the Church of the middle ages (especially after the Church was recognized as the State religion of the year 380) liturgy styled at length (many elements), but not the same as the Pentecostal liturgy of the early Church period, hereditary-usnsurnya not too much because the Church community often banned and persecuted. Liturgy worship churches of Pentecost will be different from the churches of the Protestant liturgy legacy zending Netherlands and Germany.
Liturgy legacy Zending Netherlands and Germany in Indonesia cannot be disangkali because the Protestant churches are there in Indonesia was the work of the Holy Spirit through service missionaries Netherlands and Germany in the 17th century. Liturgy liturgy it sometimes accepted in Indonesia without or with changes that are adapted to the context of Indonesia. This will appear in the description of the elements of the elements of the liturgy used by several churches in Indonesia. In that regard, when we see the liturgy in question then it would appear to us that there were many elements of a Protestant Church in worship so that on one side of the Church was bored though this assumption is not always correct. The impact of the abundance of the elements of the liturgy used by default in the Protestant Church few people assessed as being boring because there are no new things. The Church missed the things which hereditary or new elements in the worship of the Church that makes the spirit and others.
From what is said above there last supposition that liturgy is something stiff and become a kind of allergy, which means that people do not like to use it because the word liturgy is understood as something rigid so boring. But if we are trying to understand the meaning of good liturgy in the sense of Ancient Greece and the use of the word liturgy in the Bible and in the science of Theology and liturgy of the word should not be understood in the sense of an awkward layout of worship. It is these efforts try presented in this diktat. In other words, out of every church of any denomination in fact was doing liturgy. Just what is the liturgy of the Church was done in true liturgy? In this diktat will have an understanding of the true liturgy.
In the material liturgika be mentioned also the music liturgy because the music can not be separated from the worship of the Church. Besides liturgy does not have to be the word of God means that cannot be changed. The liturgy is always changing. To answer these needs will be discussed the elements of the elements to consider in designing a liturgy that is contextually or creation of a creative liturgy. Furthermore the atmosphere how expected in a worship, also disinggunggung in this diktat.
At the end of the learning liturgika the core of business is looking for an understanding of the meaning of the liturgy and the sense of worship of the Church and how the definition of terimplikasi in the worship liturgy. In other words based on the definition of Christian worship or worship of the Church then the elements of the elements of what should be terakomodir in worship both with the system of baku (liturgos) or the "concept flows" by URWL.apa that there had to be in worship of the Church. For the sake of this diktat in this then we kemukan some definitions about the worship of the good aspects of the study of words and definitions that are formulated based on the phenomenon of (what happened in the worship of the Church). Our assertion is establish the definition of worship and measure our worship what is reflected in our worship. Let's just say Worship defined "meeting of God with his people and his people with the Lord," then we can measure our worship whether the two meetings took place in a Church worship service. God spoke to his people (through Bible readings and meditations/homilia) and give blessings to his people (= prayers of blessing) and his people gave a response to the meeting in the form of: prayer, confession, petition for remission of sin, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, sing a new song, speaking in tongues, give offerings as gratitude